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Projeto Balanço de Carbono nos Reservatórios de FURNAS Centrais Elétricas S.A.
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Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais Instituto Internacional de Ecologia Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia Furnas Centrais Elétricas
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ABE, D. S.; ADAMS, D. D.; SIDAGIS-GALLI, C.; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; TUNDISI, J. G. Carbon gas cycling in the sediments of Serra da Mesa and Manso reservoirs, central Brazil. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, Stuttgart, v. 29, p. 567-572, 2005.
LIMA, I. B. T.; MAZZI, E. A.; CARVALHO, J. C.; OMETTO, J. P. H. B.; RAMOS, F. M.; STECH, J. L.; NOVO, E. M. L. M. Photoacoustic/dynamic chamber method for measuring greenhouse gas fluxes in hydroreservoirs. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, Stuttgart, v. 29, p. 603-606, 2005.
LIMA, I. B. T.; NOVO, E. M. L. M.; STECH, J. L.; LORENZZETTI, J. A. The use of remote sensing and automated water quality systems for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs. In: Luiz Pinguelli Rosa; Marco Aurélio dos Santos; José Galizia Tundisi. (Org.). Greenhouse gas emissions from hydropower reservoirs and water quality. Rio de Janeiro: COPPE-UFRJ, 2004, p. 47-65.
RAMOS, F. M.; LIMA, I. B. T.; ROSA, R. R.; MAZZI, E. A.; CARVALHO, J. C.; RASERA, M. F. F. L.; OMETTO, J. P. H. B.; ASSIREU, A. T.; STECH, J. L. Extreme event dynamics in methane ebullition fluxes from tropical reservoirs. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 33, L21404, doi:10.1029/2006GL027943, 2006. SANTOS, M. A.; ROSA, L. P.; MATVIENKO, B.; SIKAR, E.; SANTOS, E. O. Gross greenhouse gas fluxes from hydro-power reservoir compared to thermo-power plants. Energy Policy, The Netherlands, v. 34, n. 1, p. 481-488, 2005. SIKAR, E.; SANTOS, M. A.; MATVIENKO, B.; SILVA, M. B.; ALMEIDA, C. H. E.; SANTOS, E. O.; BENTES JUNIOR, A. P.; ROSA, L. P. Greenhouse gases and initial findings on the carbon circulation in two reservoirs and theis watersheds. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, Stuttgart, v. 29, n. 2, p. 573-576, 2005. ROLAND F.; VIDAL L. O.; PACHECO, F. S.; BARROS, N. O.; ASSIREU, A. T.; OMETTO, J. P. H. B.; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; COLE, J. J. Variability of carbon dioxide flux from tropical (Cerrado) hydroelectric reservoirs. Aquatic Sciences, v. 72, n. 3, p. 283-293, 2010.
Capítulos de livros
ABE, D. S.; SIDAGIS-GALLI, C.; ADAMS, D. D.; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; BRUM, P. R.; TUNDISI, J. G.; TUNDISI, T. M.; MATSUMURA-TUNDISI, J. E. Carbon gas emission from the sediments of reservoirs of different ages in central Brazil. In: Marco Aurélio dos Santos; Luiz Pinguelli Rosa. (Org.). Global Warming and Hydroelectric Reservoirs. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: COPPE/UFRJ e Eletrobrás, 2005, v. 1, p. 101-107.
ASSIREU, A. T.; STECH, J. L.; MARINHO, M. M.; CESAR, D. E.; LORENZZETTI, J. A.; FERREIRA, R. M.; PACHECO, F. S.; ROLAND, F. Princípios físicos e químicos a serviço da limnologia - um exercício. In: Fábio Roland; Dionéia E. Cesar; Marcelo Marinho. (Org.). Lições de Limnologia. 1 ed. São Carlos - SP, 2005, p. 229-242.
FERREIRA, R. M.; ROLAND, F. Caminhos do fósforo em ecossistemas aquáticos continentais. In: Fábio Roland; Dionéia E. Cesar; Marcelo Marinho. (Org.). Lições de Limnologia. 1 ed. São Carlos - SP, 2005, p. 229-242.
ROSA, L. P.; SANTOS, M. A.; MATVIENKO, B.; SANTOS, E. O.; SILVA, M. B.; SIKAR, E. Long term monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions at two brazilian hydro reservoirs. In: Luiz Pinguelli Rosa; Marco Aurélio dos Santos; José Galízia Tundisi. (Org.). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Hydropower Reservoirs and Water Quality. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: COPPE/UFRJ, 2004, v. 1, p. 121-136.
SANTOS, M. A.; MATVIENKO, B.; ROSA, L. P.; SIKAR, E. Carbon dioxide and methane emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs in Brazil. In: Marco Aurélio dos Santos; Luiz Pinguelli Rosa. (Org.). Global Warming and Hydroelectric Reservoirs. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: COPPE/UFRJ, 2005, v. 1, p. 81-94.
VIDAL, L. O.; MENDONÇA, R. F.; MARINHO, M. M.; ROLAND, F. Caminhos do carbono em ecossistemas aquáticos continentais. In: Fábio Roland; Dionéia E. Cesar; Marcelo Marinho. (Org.). Lições de Limnologia. 1 ed. São Carlos: Rima, 2005, p. 193-208.
ABE, D. S.; SIDAGIS-GALLI, C.; ADAMS, D. D.; TUNDISI, J. G.; MATSUMURA-TUNDISI, T.; TUNDISI, J. E.; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; BRUM, P. R. Greenhouse gas concentrations and diffusive flux at the sediment-water interface from 5 tropical reservoirs in Brazil: trophic status consideration. ASLO - 2006. Victoria, Canada.
CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; BRUM, P. R.; SOARES, C. B.; ROLAND, F.; CESAR, D. E.; ROSA, L. P.; SANTOS, M. A.; SIKAR, B. M.; TUNDISI, J. G.; ABE, D. S. Carbon budget in two neotropical reservoirs. ASLO - 2006. Victoria, Canada.
LIMA, I. B.; RAMOS, F. M.; MAZZI, E. A.; OMETTO, J. P.; RASERA, M. F.; ASSIREU, A. T.; ROSA, R. R.; NOVO, E. M. L. M.; STECH, J. L. Management strategies to minimize bacterial methane emission from tropical hydroreservoirs. ASLO - 2006. Victoria, Canada.
RAMOS, F. M.; LIMA, I. B.; MAZZI, E. A.; OMETTO, J. P.; RASERA, M. F.; ASSIREU, A. T.; ROSA, R. R.; STECH, J. L. Extreme event dynamics in methane bubbling from tropical reservoirs. ASLO - 2006. Victoria, Canada.
ROLAND, F. ; VIDAL, L. ; COLE, J. J. ; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P. Heterotrophic pathways on carbon balance in tropical reservoirs. ASLO - 2006. Victoria, Canada.
SANTOS, M. A.; MATVIENKO, B.; ROSA, L. P.; SILVA, C.; COSTA, R. S.; SIKAR, E.; ROCHA, C. H.; SILVA, M. B.; BENTES JUNIOR, A. P. Land use-stream carbon fluxes relationship in a small watershed of a tropical hydro reservoir, Brazil. ASLO - 2006. Victoria, Canada.
LORENZETTI, J. A.; LIMA, I. B.; ASIREU, A. T.; STECH, J. L. The effect of cold fronts over the emission patterns of CO2 and CH4 in Brazilian Tropical Reservoirs. ASLO - 2006. Victoria, Canada.
STECH, J. L.; ASSIREU, A. T.; LORENZETTI, J. L.; NOVO, E. M. L. M.; LIMA, I. B.; RAMOS, F. The fitting of weibull pdf for surface winds observed in low latitude Brazilian lakes and hydroeletric reservoirs. ASLO - 2006. Victoria, Canada.
ABE, D. S.; ADAMS, D. D.; SIDAGIS-GALLI, C.; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; TUNDISI, J. G. Carbon gas cycling in the sediments of Serra da Mesa and Manso reservoirs, central Brazil. XXIX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2004, Lahti, Finland.
ADAMS, D. D. Theoretical diffusive flux of greenhouse gases (CH4 & CO2) at the sediment-water interface from 24 lakes and reservoirs of different trophic status worldwide. XXIX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2004, Lahti, Finland.
CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; SANTOS, M. A.; MATVIENKO, B.; MOZETO, A.; STECH, J. L.; LIMA, I. B. T.; TUNDISI, J. G.; ABE, D. S.; SIDAGIS-GALLI, C. V.; ROLAND, F.; CESAR, D. E.; BRUM, P. R. Carbon budget in hydroelectric reservoirs of Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A., Brazil. XXIX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2004, Lahti, Finland.
MATSUMURA-TUNDISI, T.; TUNDISI, J. G. Carbon content in the zooplankton populations of Serra da Mesa Reservoir, Tocantins River, Brazil. XXIX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2004, Lahti, Finland.
MATVIENKO, B.; SANTOS, M. A.; SIKAR, E.; SILVA, M. B.; ALMEIDA, C. H. E.; SANTOS, E. O. Methane emission downstream of reservoirs. XXIX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2004, Lahti, Finland.
MAZZI, E. A.; LIMA, I. B. T.; CARVALHO, J. C.; OMETTO, J. P. H. B.; RAMOS, F. M.; STECH, J. L.; NOVO, E. M. L. M. Preliminary results of photoacoustic/dynamic chamber technique for measuring greenhouse gas fluxes to the atmosphere from hydroelectric reservoirs in the brazilian savannah, cerrado. XXIX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2004, Lahti, Finland.
SANTOS, M. A.; MATVIENKO, B.; SIKAR, E.; SILVA, M. B.; ALMEIDA, C. H. E.; SANTOS, E. O. Greenhouse gases and the carbon circulation in a reservoir and its watershed. XXIX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2004, Lahti, Finland.
SIDAGIS-GALLI, C.; ADAMS, D. D.; ABE, D. S.; SIKAR, E.; TUNDISI, J. G. Sediment CH4 and CO2 concentrations and diffuse emission fluxes related to limnological factors in the Lobo-Broa reservoir, São Paulo State, Brazil. XXIX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2004, Lahti, Finland.
STECH, J. L.; LIMA, I. B. T.; NOVO, E. M. L. M.; SILVA, C. M.; ASSIREU, A. T.; CARVALHO, J. C.; LORENZZETTI, J. A.; BARBOSA, C. C.; ROSA, R. R. Telemetric monitoring system for ecohydrology applications in aquatic environments. XXIX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2004, Lahti, Finland.
CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; BRUM, P. R.; SOARES, C. B. P.; ROLAND, F.; ROSA, L. P.; SANTOS, M. A.; MATVIENKO, B.; TUNDISI, J. G.; ABE, D. S.; GALLI, C. S.; STECH, J. L.; NOVO, E. M. L. M. Carbon budget in seven Brazilian hydropower reservoirs. XXX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2007, Montreal, Canada.
SANTOS, M. A.; ROSA, L. P.; MATVIENKO, B.; DOS SANTOS, E. O.; ROCHA, C. H. E. D’A.; SIKAR, E.; SILVA, M. B.; JUNIOR, A. M. P. B. Greenhouse gas emissions downstream tropical hydroeletric reservoirs. XXX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2007, Montreal, Canada.
GALLI, C. S.; ABE, D. S.; TUNDISI, J. G.; ADAMS, D. D.; TUNDISI, T. M.; TUNDISI, J. E.; BRUM, P. R.; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P. Greenhouse gas concentrations and diffusive flux at the sediment-water interface from two reservoirs in Brazil. XXX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2007, Montreal, Canada.
LIMA, I. B. T.; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; MAZZI, E. A.; NOVO, E. M. L. M.; OMETTO, J. P. H. B.; RAMOS, F. M.; ROSA, R. R.; STECH, J. L. Sunlight effects on diel CO2 and CH4 emissions from a tropical reservoirs. XXX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2007, Montreal, Canada.
MATVIENKO, B.; SIKAR, E.; SANTOS, M.; ROSA, L.; SILVA, M.; SANTOS, E.; ROCHA, C. Concentrarion profile at the air-water interface and its bearing on mentane flux measurement. XXX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2007, Montreal, Canada.
ROCHA, C. H. E. D’A.; SANTOS, M. A.; MATVIENKO, B.; ROSA, L. P.; SANTOS, E. O.; SIKAR, E.; SILVA, M. B.; JUNIOR, A. M. P. B. Evaluation of dissolved carbon dioxide and methane at three tropical hydroelectric. XXX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2007, Montreal, Canada.
ROLAND, F.; HUSZAR, V. L. M.; BARROS, N. O.; FERREIRA, R. M.; ASSIREU, A. T.; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; BRUM, P. R.; COLE, J. J. Contribution of planktonic respiration to greenhouse emissions in tropical reservoirs. XXX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2007, Montreal, Canada.
SANTOS, E.; SILVA, C.; MATVIENKO, B.; ROCHA, C. H.; ROSA, L. P.; SIKAR, E.; SILVA, M.; JUNIOR, A. B. The importance of land use changes analisys in the greenhouse gas emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs. XXX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2007, Montreal, Canada.
SIKAR, E.; MATVIENKO, B.; SANTOS, M.; ROSA, L.; SILVA, M.; SANTOS, E.; ROCHA, C.; JUNIOR, A. B. Tropical reservoirs are on average 2.7 times bigger carbon sinks than soils. XXX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2007, Montreal, Canada.
SILVA, M.; MATVIENKO, B.; SANTOS, M.; SIKAR, E.; ROSA, L.; SANTOS E.; ROCHA, C. Does methane from hydro-reservoirs fiz out from the water upon turbine discharge? XXX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, SIL - 2007, Montreal, Canada.
ASSIREU, A. T.; ROLAND, F.; NOVO, E. M. L. M.; BARROS, N. O.; STECH, J. L.; PACHECO, F. S. Existe relação entre a complexidade geométrica do entorno dos reservatórios e a variabilidade espacial dos parâmetros limnológicos? Anais XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Florianópolis, Brasil, 21-26 abril 2007, p. 3263-3269.
ABE, D. S.; ADAMS, D. D.; SIDAGIS-GALLI, C.; TUNDISI, J. G.; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; BRUM, P. R. Trophic classifications between temperate and tropical aquatic ecosystems: is such terminology unrealistic for sedimentary carbon cycling? In: 11th World Lakes Conference - Management of Lake Basins for their Sustainable Use: Global Experience and African Issues, 2005, Nairobi. 11th World Lakes Conference - Abstracts Volume. Nairobi : PASS, University of Nairobi, 2005. v. 1. p. 105-105.
CIMBLERIS, A. C. P.; SANTOS, M. A.; MATVIENKO, B.; STECH, J. L.; LIMA, I. B. T.; TUNDISI, J. G.; ABE, D. S.; SIDAGIS-GALLI, C. V.; ROLAND, F.; CESAR, D. E.; BRUM, P. R. Carbon budget in hydroelectric reservoirs of FURNAS Centrais Elétricas, Brazil. Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, v. 29, p. 563, 2005.
ROLAND, F.; BRUM, P. R.; SOARES, C. B.; CESAR, D. E.; ROSA, L. P.; SANTOS, M. A.; SIKAR, B. M.; TUNDISI, J. G.; ABE, D. S.; STECH, J. L.; NOVO, E. M. L. M. Carbon budget in two neotropical reservoirs. In: ASLO - Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 2006. Victoria, Canada.
ROLAND, F.; VIDAL, L.; COLE, J. J.; CIMBLERIS, A. C. P. Heterotrophic pathways on carbon balance in tropical reservoirs. In: ASLO - Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 2006. Victoria, Canada.