Related Publications

Complete Articles in Scientific Journals

ROSSETTI D.F., ZANI H., CREMON E.H. 2014. Fossil megafans evidenced by remote sensing in the Amazonian wetlands. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie 58, 145-161, 2014.

ROSSETTI D.F., COHEN M.L., BERTANI T.C., HAYAKAWA E.H., PAZ J.D., CASTRO D.F., FRIAES Y., 2014. Late Quaternary fluvial terrace evolution in the main southern Amazonian tributary. Catena (Cremlingen) 16, 19-37.

ROSSETTI, D. F. 2014. Imaging underwater neotectonic structures in the Amazonian lowland. The Holocene 24, 1269-1277.

COHEN M.L., ROSSETTI D.F., PESSENDA, L.C.R., FRIAES Y., OLIVEIRA P.E., 2014. Late Pleistocene glacial forest of Humaitá Western Amazonia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (em impressão)

BERTANI T.C., ROSSETTI D.F., HAYAKAWA E.H., COHEN, MARCELO C.L., 2014. Understanding Amazonian fluvial rias based on a Late Pleistocene-Holocene analog. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (em impressão).

CREMON E.H., ROSSETTI D.F., ZANI H., 2014. Classification of vegetation over a residual megafan landform in the Amazonian lowland based on optical and SAR imagery. Remote Sensing (em impressão online). doi:10.3390/rs60x000x

ROSSETTI D.F., 2014. The role of tectonics in the late Quaternary evolution of Brazil´s Amazonian landscape. Earth Science Reviews. doi 10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.08.009

Artigos e comunicações em encontros científicos

ROSSETTI D. F., COHEN M.C.L., BERTANI T.C., HAYAKAWA E.H., PAZ J.D., 2014. Tectonic control on the evolution of Late Pleistocene-Holocene fluvial terraces in the main southern Amazonian tributary. In: 19th International Sedimentological Congress, 2014, Genebra. Anais do 19th International Sedimentological Congress.
Research Project 2: Geobiama
Research Group
Landscapes in Time and Space (PATES)
Research Group
Landscapes in Time and Space (PATES)
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